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玉龙雪山简介 玉龙雪山 古镇

2022-08-21 11:57:30旅游攻略
Located 25 kilometers north of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China, and the ocean glacie



Located 25 kilometers north of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China, and the ocean glacier nearest to the equator of all the snow mountains in Eurasia.   In recent years, due to the increased quantity of ice melting, the glacial tongue of Yulong Snow Mountain has withdrawn along with reduced glacial area and raised the snow line. The retraction of the glacier was as much as 100 meters during the five years from 1998 to 2002. Its thickness and snowy areas also decreased during the same period.   The main cause to the glacier retraction in Yulong Snow Mountain is global warming, according to He Yuanqing, an expert from Chinese Academy of Science.   Yulong Snow Mountain has 13 peaks, stretching 35 kilometers from north to south. Shanzidou, the main peak, is 5,596 meters above sea level.   Neighboring the famous ancient town of Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain is a popular tourist destination in Yunnan province. It is the one and only place you can ski in South China.   All year around, snow falls on the peaks and which are frequently lost in the clouds and fog. Looking from a distance, the mountain resembles a Jade Dragon (Yulong), which is how it got its name


    Locating between 10004’-10016’east longitude and 2703’-2740’ north latitude, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Mountain) is the southernmost glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. Consisting of 13 peaks, among which Shanzidou is the highest one with an altitude of 5,600 meters (18,360 feet), Jade Dragon Snow Mountain stretches a length of 35 kilometers (22 miles) and a width of 20 kilometers (13 miles). Looking from Lijiang Old Town in the south which is 15 kilometers (nine miles) away, the snow-covered and fog-enlaced mountain resembles a jade dragon lying in the clouds, hence, the name Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

  According to the geologists’ research, for about 400 million years the area around Jade Dragon Snow Mountain was the ocean and it was during the last 600 thousand years that the different landscapes had come into being because of the uprising of the lithosphere. Archaic legend about this mysterious and beautiful snow mountain goes like this: Once upon a time, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain were twins. They had lived on panning in Golden Sand River until one day an evil fiend usurped the river. The brothers were very brave and had a fierce fight with the fiend, Haba died in the fight and Jade Dragon drove off the fiend after wearing out 13 swords. For guarding the people and preventing the return of the fiend, Jade Dragon held the 13 swords in hands day and night. As time passed, the brothers had turned into the two snow mountains, and the 13 swords had become the 13 peaks. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a holy mountain for the local Naxi people not only because of the legend, but also because long time ago, it was a place for young lovers to sacrifice their young lives in honor of true love and to escape from the arranged marriages and feudal ethics.

  Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a sanctuary for rare animals and wild plants. In fact, one fourth of all plant species in China can be found here and 20 primeval forest communities shelter a big family of 400 types of trees and 30 kinds of animals which are protected by the state. These species live in different temperature levels and create different kinds of views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. The 13 peaks, which have the altitudes of at least 4,000 meters, are covered by snow all year round; the mountain is called the "Natural Glacier Museum" for it has all types of glacier. Move down from the mountaintop and you can see rivers and pools, which are formed by the thawed snow water running along the valley and through the forests. The plants and the animals are different according to the altitude, so are the views. Every sight brings you a surprise and every step takes you to a new scene. Each of the meadows on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain has its own special character due to their different landscape and height. For instance, Yunshanping (Spruce Plateau) is grassland with gigantic spruces whilst Ganhaizi (Dry Sea) used to be a highland lake as its name tells, the meadow was formed after the water had dried up.

  Jade Dragon Snow Mountain now is a famous scenic spot for sightseeing, mountaineering, skiing, exploration, scientific research and taking holiday. Besides, widespread legends and myths of the Naxi ethnic minority and the unclimbed Shanzidou are all important attractive spots for those who come to Jade Dragon Snow Mounta







玉龙雪山 古镇














玉龙雪山的美丽传说 一直很想去丽江。。。 终年云雾缭绕的玉龙雪山 即使在最晴朗的日子 阳光也无法穿透云层 传说在秋分那天 日月交合,同辉同映 神灵会在那天 将人世间最完美的爱情阳光 赐予人间 如果那天云开雾散 神奇的阳光就会铺满整个山谷 每个被阳光抚摸到的人 都会获得最美最圣洁的爱情 但是 善妒的山神 在那一天从不开放胸怀 那一天总是会有云 有雾 有雨 所以人世间很难有完美的爱情 虽然秋分这天的阳光无法穿透云层 但是在玉龙和哈巴雪山交界 穿空肃立最陡峭的岩壁上有一处山洞 山洞里面居住的是 殉情而死的风之女 她痛恨山神刁难人世间的男女 所以 她会在秋分的正午时分 趁山神打盹的工夫 偷偷地将万丈爱情阳光 剪下最绚丽的一米 藏于山洞之中 山神很快就会发觉 他醒来后立刻追回那一米阳光 所以 这一米爱情阳光只能在人间停留一个盹儿的工夫就会消失 如果有最勇敢最幸运的人 在正午时分来到风之女的山洞里 他们就会得到最绚丽的完美爱情